Why Thomas Murray
Global best practices: Benefit from our extensive experience and insights gained from working with a broad spectrum of international clients.
Comprehensive solutions: From custody to investment operations, we provide end-to-end consulting services.
Strategic insights: Our team offers strategic insights that drive growth and optimise risk management.
Focus: Post-trade and custody is our primary focus.
Technology: All our solutions are underpinned by our proprietary technology, developed and maintained in-house by our expert developers.
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Central Bank of Ireland: UCITS Permitted Markets Regulation
The Central Bank of Ireland UCITS Permitted Markets Regulation relates to the eligibility criteria for markets into which UCITS funds can invest.

The essential role of fund administrators in investment funds
Fund administrators are specialised service providers that handle the administrative and operational aspects of investment funds.

Due diligence in private equity: Assessing risk to gain reward
In the competitive and high-stakes world of private equity, thorough due diligence is indispensable.

Outsourcing due diligence: Considerations for asset owners
Due diligence is one area in which organisations can immediately reap the benefits of outsourcing.