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We help our clients to evaluate and select a broad spectrum of their third-party outsourced service providers: 








Collateral managers


Derivative clearers


Digital asset custodians


Middle office providers


Securities lending agents

Orbit Diligence

Orbit Diligence

Underpinning our process is Orbit Diligence, our proprietary automated due diligence, RFP and data exchange solution. It is a leading standalone, white-labelled site our clients use to manage their own processes.  

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Custodian and other service provider RFPs and selection exercises

Our origins lie in global custody. Over the years, we have seen custody and other related asset servicing functions move out of the back office. The modern custodian is typically one of the largest counterparty relationships for most organisations and has the potential to add value across a client’s front, middle and back office. 

Our robust RFP process is designed to meet both the ever-changing service offerings of custodians, and our clients’ buyer requirements.  

As well as safekeeping assets and investments, custodians have become key sources of data and intelligence for clients. The role of the custodian has evolved to include data management, an added responsibility we take on in maintaining and curating accurate and actionable data on behalf of our clients.  

Many of our custodian selection processes therefore now include an assessment of the ability of the custodian to perform this role as the consolidated information source for clients across asset classes. 

A basic RFP process can be set out in four simple steps:

1.	Issue, monitor and review RFP

1. Issue, monitor and review RFP

2.	Short-list/Star Chamber meetings

2. Short-list/Star Chamber meetings

3.	Due diligence

3. Due diligence

4.	Project findings and conclusions

4. Project findings and conclusions

What are the options when it comes to custodian RFPs?

  • Do nothing

    Leave it in the ‘too difficult’ box.

  • Benchmark and negotiate terms with incumbent

    Significantly less work than an RFP process. Very few custodians will offer commercial, operational or contractual best market practice in the absence of competitive market tension.

  • Run an informal selection process

    Difficult to establish and achieve true best market practice unless thorough analysis is undertaken across multiple candidates.

  • Go through a formal selection or re-selection process

    Best market practice is to do this every five to seven years. It is the only way to ensure that the best possible arrangements have been achieved.

Stephen Merry

Stephen Merry

Director | Head of Advisory and Analytics

Christine Young

Christine Young

Managing Consultant | Advisory