This Modern Slavery Statement (‘Statement’) is adopted for Thomas Murray Network Management Limited and its subsidiaries and affiliates (‘Thomas Murray’) pursuant to Section 65(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the ‘Act’) on a voluntary basis. Any questions relating to this Statement should be addressed to
The Statement comprises part of Thomas Murray’s Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy (‘Policy’). The Policy was approved and signed by Thomas Murray’s CRO Ana Giraldo on 7 December 2024. This Statement is the first published version and will be updated to reflect any changes to it or the Policy resulting from future reviews.
We do not tolerate slavery and human trafficking in our company and our supply chain.
We are committed to engaging with our stakeholders to address the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain.
Thomas Murray provides third-party risk management services, information, risk assessments and technology to clients globally. Its employees and contractors operate from offices in the UK, Australia, Colombia, Turkey, and Vietnam, with limited presence in some other countries. Suppliers to Thomas Murray – primarily professional services, technology and data businesses – contract with our UK incorporated entities.
Thomas Murray operates in an environment of relatively low risk of modern slavery due to its organisation structure, industry and nature of work, and supply chain. We nonetheless acknowledge the risk that our supply chain may involve the use of a hidden or unknown subcontractor reliant on forced labour, and take our responsibility to combat modern slavery seriously.
We have undertaken a risk assessment of the risks of slavery or human trafficking throughout the Thomas Murray business and its supply chain, and do not consider that the business and its relationships with professional or business services suppliers give rise to material risks. Potential risk is mitigated by engaging with reputable suppliers and requesting positive confirmation from key suppliers that their own business activities do not involve slavery or human trafficking.
We have adopted and promote the following measures:
- Maintaining of a Code of Ethics and Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy which reflect our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking are not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.
- Requiring our staff to read our Code of Ethics, UK government guidance and our Modern Slavery Policy on induction and thereafter annually, with attestation that they adhere to them.
- Evaluating each new key supplier with respect to slavery and human trafficking risk prior to contractual engagement, and seeking to impose provisions for termination in the event of a Modern Slavery or Human Trafficking compliance breach by a supplier or any supplier in its supply chain.
- Evaluating the risk of modern slavery in each country in which we have an operational presence.
- Monitoring the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain on an on-going basis through due diligence questionnaires and/or proprietary research, for example into suppliers’ own Modern Slavery Policies and Statements.
- Requiring suppliers to annually attest that they comply with our supplier code of conduct, which sets out our expectations of suppliers in relation to human rights, including anti-slavery and human trafficking.
- Requiring suppliers to attest that they monitor the risk of slavery and human trafficking in their own supply chain.