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The Risk

Central Counterparties (CCPs) have a systemically important role in resolving many of the issues that triggered the 2007 global financial crises, both in clearing OTC derivatives markets and domestic cash markets. Every CCP has its own way of operating, different margin models, risk waterfalls, financial, ownership and governance models.

  • What happens to your collateral contribution in the event of a default?
  • What happens to your open positions?
  • If a major participant at the CCP goes into default, how quickly does your collateral come under threat?

These questions and others are hugely important for deciding which CCP(s) best fits investor needs. There is huge potential for systemic risk in CCPs and the consequences of failure could be very serious for clearing members, their clients, and the wider market.

The Solution

Thomas Murray has addressed the global regulatory and risk imperative to assess and monitor CCPs as risk concentrating vehicles. CCP Risk Assessments assess the extent to which a CCP manages your risk burden. There are two key benefits:

  • Every assessment brings transparency to the industry for the benefit of users
  • Using Thomas Murray provides cost savings to regulated firms that are required to perform due diligence and risk assessments on CCPs
CCP Solution

Thomas Murray assesses risks at CCPs across six categories:


Counterparty Risk




Asset Safety


Financial Risk


Operational Risk


Governance & Transparency

Protegemos a los clientes y sus comunidades

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Northern Trust

“Thomas Murray proporciona a Northern Trust una variedad de productos, servicios y tecnología de solicitud de propuesta para la recolección de propuestas, lo que brinda una solución eficiente y rentable que libera a nuestros gerentes bancarios para que se concentren en actividades de mayor valor.”

Petroleum Development Oman Pension Fund

Petroleum Development Oman Pension Fund

“Thomas Murray ha sido un aliado valioso en el proceso de selección de nuestro custodio para Petroleum Development Oman Pension Fund.”



“Thomas Murray ahora juega un papel clave para ayudarnos a detectar y remediar problemas en nuestra postura de seguridad, de la misma manera que a cuantificar, para nuestros directores y clientes, el rendimiento de seguridad de ATHEX.”

Contact an expert

Derek Duggan

Derek Duggan

Director de Ventas