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Fund Platforms Risk

The Risk

Depositary Banks, Fund Management Companies and others need to protect investors' data and assets by proactively monitoring their service providers. Regulations such as AIFMD and UCITS V require banks to perform due diligence over a fund's organisation, procedures, and controls, as well as its service providers. At the same time, UCITS Management Companies and Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) are under increasing pressure in Europe to monitor delegated activities such as transfer agency, fund distribution, administration, accounting, investment management, IT services and others. Increasingly, Fund Platforms are a service providers of interest, responsible for the safekeeping and administration of securities under custody. Given the wide range of services they can provide, a comprehensive assessment is essential.

The Solution

Thomas Murray's Fund Platform Monitoring solution eases the burden on banks and funds by administering a managed service to collect data, generate a report based on a standardised proprietary methodology and maintain data in a structured form. Thomas Murray generates a detailed assessment with overall and sub-risks rated AAA to C. 

Key risk assessed include:

  • Asset Safety 

  • Assert Servicing

  • Financial 

  • Operational

Fund Platforms Solution

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Northern Trust

“Thomas Murray proporciona a Northern Trust una variedad de productos, servicios y tecnología de solicitud de propuesta para la recolección de propuestas, lo que brinda una solución eficiente y rentable que libera a nuestros gerentes bancarios para que se concentren en actividades de mayor valor.”

Petroleum Development Oman Pension Fund

Petroleum Development Oman Pension Fund

“Thomas Murray ha sido un aliado valioso en el proceso de selección de nuestro custodio para Petroleum Development Oman Pension Fund.”



“Thomas Murray ahora juega un papel clave para ayudarnos a detectar y remediar problemas en nuestra postura de seguridad, de la misma manera que a cuantificar, para nuestros directores y clientes, el rendimiento de seguridad de ATHEX.”

Contact an expert

Derek Duggan

Derek Duggan

Director de Ventas