Visualise third-party risk with Orbit Intelligence
Capture mission-critical risk analysis, data and news on your critical service providers and other third parties you rely on. Access TM’s expert risk assessments, or analyse companies using your own framework. Centralise your reporting and continuous monitoring.
Digitise and automate with Orbit Diligence
Enhance your vendor selection and due diligence with Orbit Diligence. Migrate from email and Excel to digitised questionnaires and advanced automation, with access to a library of industry-standard assessments.
Monitor, quantify and reduce cyber risk with Orbit Security
Organisations of all sizes and in all industries are exposed to increasing levels of cyber risk. Discover how our award-winning AI threat intelligence and security ratings tool can enhance your enterprise and third-party cyber risk management.
Why Thomas Murray?
Thomas Murray is a global risk intelligence company, based in London. We were founded in 1994 to support banks and institutional funds manage their global exposure to third parties and capital markets. Today, we are a leading provider of risk management, due diligence and cyber security services for companies in every sector. Orbit Risk launched in 2023, integrating Thomas Murray’s powerful product suite into a single risk platform, and it is used globally by organisations of every size.
See how we compare to the competition in Security Ratings Solutions: the 2024 Comparison.
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We safeguard clients and their communities
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